Thursday, March 10, 2022

Careless Noise makers can get people to get killed . Ditch them

The rain along the east coast is not unusual, but the runoff is. 
Because rain is part of climate , ignorant climate activists open their big mouths and misdirect resources concern and cynicism .


In investigating the huge damage to houses in the  Barwon river floodplain in November 1995  , I was surprised to learn that neither the Engineers Australia  guidelines for runoff estimates  or the Met Bureau records were of any use in really understanding the ongoing very high risk of bigger than expected floods from some mountain areas , especially when moist easterlies were operating  .
To put it simply,  the modelling is not dynamic enough to pick upon the many site specific factors  ( like  orography ,soil erosion and bedload  )  that cause these unusually large amounts of water and silt rising out of channels .

The failure of planning authorities to anticipate a very high level of risk  is evident in the sloppy way these floods are reported and NOT anticipated when moist easterlies are active . (ongoing exposure near the Brisbane river locals  as a result of constant rain near Toowoomba.

The best way to picture the risk is to remember the limited ability of most clouds to produce more than an inch or two of water and the cooling effect  required to get even that amount . What happens  in these rare but quite predictable occasions is that the rising hills  provide the orographic cooling effect  required to et a train  of clouds to give up their moisture on one locality for many hours on end.
2 inch per hour in one spot  becomes 20 inches in one spot and no soil can take it as we can see ( if we have eyes to see ) in the water .We can even see a bit about "whose soil where" by the color 


If we allow ignorant wannabes to continue to blame everything on climate change,  there will be deaths and destruction because of them because they redirect support away from the real consequences of real environmental risks  we should be facing . 

The failure of planning authorities to anticipate a very high level of risk  is evident in the sloppy way these floods are reported and NOT anticipated when moist easterlies are active . (ongoing exposure near the Brisbane river locals  as a result of constant rain near Toowoomba.)

The best way to picture the risk is to remember the limited ability of most clouds to produce more than an inch or two of water and the cooling effect  required to get even that amount . What happens  in these rare but quite predictable occasions is that the rising hills  provide the orographic cooling effect  required to et a train  of clouds to give up their moisture on one locality for many hours on end. 

If we allow ignorant wannabes to continue to blame everything on climate change,  there will be deaths and destruction because of them because they redirect support away from the real consequences of real environmental risks  we should be facing .