Monday, November 4, 2019

The fanaticism of wolf risk worrying is all around us

1.  Feminists on Q andA last night .Nov 4th2019   The modern woman who wants sexual freedom finds the man who takes the same licence to be bad company . What does she expect ? Reject traditional marriage with its paradoxical but workable  tensions in honor, leadership and servanthood and this is what you get.    Its abused by men especially  tis true,  but not by all men .  The wolf is not visiting every house in teh street ; God knows why soem are leaving teh door open for him.
2. The risks of environmental damage are real , but if you don' t study the world , you don't realize that not all man does is bad ( new doctrines of misanthropy )
If you study the stuff of life you get to realize  that resilience is real and  provides real reasons when not to worry ; when to cut cull and carry and repair .

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