Monday, May 25, 2020

No news is good news

One thing that works for the mental health of our household in this COVID crisis is to switch off TV completely over news time.

It will take the wannabe herds  and the polys some time to realize that many of us are doing this for our own mental health.

The wannabes are clamouring, as usual,  for our attention . What these fanatics  fail to realise is that they know little more than we do ( and therefore should just billboard the CMO)

BUT worse
- they push their speculation(/leading to more lies half truths , fake news ,laws and less guidelines ) all over us day after day. its what fanatics do

The nonsense in the news media goes to prove several things
1. Trump was right about at least one thing - The waste from Fake news in OUR lives
2. The people are predictably more compliant when  fear is the driver  and fear is not addressed with fact ( the extent of the infection agents in each country)
3.  Economy of information.and instruction is critical   I know  as a risk managemnet planner -- "you don't say too much and only what is necessary"   _

4, Comfort the people with things they should know- and act upon ( Switch the TV off )
a That the wannabes and media are desperate to prove their diminishing power over us  ( esp with the  net available )
b So many stupid and wayward things have been said in this period that its unbelievable .( Switch the TV off )
c As always in history ITS  those who claim to be doing things in the name of best intention that  are the most dangerous ,
d  Watch Wannabes closely -Especially those leaders who rush into solutions their minds have invented and whose real actionsthe integrated patient professional practice of checking what actions in a crisis are really neccesary  ( by the CMO) .
e Teaching people who don't normally listen well ( all of us ??)  to listen well can mean the t great leader ( just a man who know s something -- the child in the story?) occasionally  YELLING  and also calling for silence too -   

No one normally on the end of a microphone seems to get that,  at the moment.

I wonder if God has intervened in history?
  ( Romans 13 - my lecture topic )