There is something new under the sun
The meddling management culture .
The proper use of the precautionary principle ( which the aforementioned grab from the workers tool bag as if they know how to use it) means
WE the public have to
STOP management culture operatives from trying to apply the tool they can be expected to be incompetent in usingSUMMARY
The ONLY people who should be allowed to pronounce actions ( moment by moment as risk wanes and changes) are those professionals who study and take advice on the risks. let me call that person the CMO Chief Message Officer .
Everyone below him will have an opinion, but those below job is not to spread the virus of half baked , but make sure the top of the line knows about all probabilities so he/she can weigh them up . .By way of introduction We risk assessors have seen it all before in risks of all kinds - no need to panic .
1. TIME related talks
Because risk is a time related function we the public must save time; use it well and differently -and expect some relief from the stress with time . if "stages" are mentioned that can help us manage the time .
- Save the CMO time means that the CMO person can be clear and confident to an audience who in their impatience have to WAIT respectfully and quietly for word from the top .
- 2. Of short duration Confusion in audience is avoided bu being clear and concise - even if advice is not complete or perfect advice
- The people ho wait can expect to be told how long? . People can, if they are patient, then can expect to have the CMO lower the time of stress .the CMO if he is wise will set a high outside limit for waits so he has room to reduce them.
- The audience can expect that if the CMO states a time of crisis it can be expected that the time of waiting will be reduced with time . While such advice does not solve all the audiences challenges, it is GOOD and sound advice ; it shares the risk and uncertainty with people to decide on their own circumstances. its consistent advice .
- There will be a waiting period which will end . Be patient , the real risk will decrease with time .
- It is to be expected that the longer the real threat lasts, the less the waiting time till a resolution. However bad the results are ( we are not god is the CMO's job - quite a contrast to some wannabes ideas .
- Appropriate Risk words and ideas need to be learnt and used well by all exposed - a lot of these ideas are new to some . eg disease contracted does not mean death . most people will eventually be exposed internally ( via lungs most likely)
Appropriate risk ideas with a virus
CLEAR CONSISTENT"some must self isolate and all must social distance "CMO words "
Do not ask for tests .Testing won't always be cost effective for control because ts expensive and not direct ;symptoms may not show progress of disease
CASES can be misleading - the virus can be expected to be in most people with time via the lungs.
POSTPONE you can expect the risk with time . listen for estimates and revised estimates of that time - Wannabes will write their own scripts - do not listen to them; they maybe conscious or unconscious fear mongers . Wannabes love to fill the gap of the unknown with information .
- Real protection comes if you only listen to the CMO - you personally are not familiar with the risk because they are new ( like a risk manage is ) let that experience work for you by listening only for him,.
See also the god assumption on modern western culture and the fear and denial of death .What this means in practice is that as the West has rejected its trust in God , our leaders expect to play God resulting in unreal expectations of not only heaven on earth but eternal life here ( denial of the place of death in life and nature),
This post is based on my experience in risk assessment and should not be used as a reason to ignore the current risks from coronavirus. We are IMO all obliged to take the Chief Medical Officers advice and only that . This has been , and always will be, the best advice for the public .
Let the expert be the ONLY person who uses the precautionary principle .
Wannabes .managers and polys must refrain from speculation at times of real risk, less they heighten the panic (and reduce the collection of sound cost benefit advice ) . .
I feel obliged to write this short note because the truths of abuse are well known
and important for any future risk discussion so that , we the people, understand and limit unnecessary and ineffective panic actions by public authority figures . Time to button one's lip and listen .
The uncomfortable truth is that politicians and wannabes are prone to misusing the precautionary principle simply because its not their money they are spending and because they now see their job as preventing risk to individuals , when no one can really do that properly
Properly doing risk assessment means properly doing costing of options and the tough scientific connections .
There is then. in the post modern world , a bit of the god assumption hidden in the predictable action to just keep spending by the modern management class ,
This is seen in the focus on pretending deaths( which we can do )but not very easily and not without the cost benefit that an advised CMO will take.It also seen in the public confusion about what having the virus in your body means ( it does not mean death and it can be expected that most people will be exposed to it at some point in the near future and develop some immunity to it .
Real world risk assessors know that all risk management is a cost benefit exercise .Many postmodern managers do not know this - this is partly because the only people who understand risk are professional observers and they have a fixed processes that they will follow .
All I wanted to do today ( 22nd March 2020) is note what has to be a lot of overreaction at many levels .
Let me just state it simply
Real world Risk assessors do use the precautionary principle but they don't use it in isolation from a closer look at the range of real risks - which is what mono cultural managers of issues do.
Why mention the adverse effect of management culture ?
Simply because it can be and often is a costly adverse
and ineffective action. They should not for example be allowed to exaggerate the risk of death ( the avoidance factor )or maintain ignorant confusion but get the CMO to make that matter clear .
Summary LISTEN and know who to listen to.
Most management class people side on the side of caution when they don't really know enough to say anything . In the internet age, everyone has an opinion so as a combined group they can ensure the majority rule. this is NOT GOOD because the majority do not KNOW enough to really KNOW .
Its the CMO's job too to listen and advise alone on that basis .