Saturday, November 16, 2019

Conflating the Conflagration

Last weeks media madness will go down in history as the last ditch effort of the worry warriors to try and make a case for a future holocaust - and incendiary end to life on earth as we know it .
"The bush fires are worse than ever ever before " .
Its not been enough to state science science science, the  arrogant unqualified now break the fundamental rules in science  . The ABC and many others have to promote a future hell on earth by joining the dots in a way which offends anyone with half a brain , "The bush fires are worse than ever ever before " .
The Australian  newspaper was the only one to state the crap production in the media ; the real news about all the fake news

The poor old Age has forgotten what it is to report anything that isn't PC .Like so many desperate to avoid denying the failure of the progressive faith , they waste hours filtering facts to suit their theories.
.Does The Age  remember we stopped reading it years ago ? . They remember how the Argus went under . An unrepentant  subtle sly and bloody approach to the house on the hill won't save them from final judgement .

In a paradox of profound proportions these blinkered minds are out doing old Hanrahan. At least he was in the ball park ..

Meanwhile the real dystopian elements undermining the West go undiscussed -- except maybe at church before the normal speculation outside afterwards.  Speculation is in the right order in such places .

1 comment:

  1. There is no catastrophe if we switch of the half baked crap and act precisely to avoid same. In which direction do the worriers want us to run ? They don;t really know of course which goes to the heart of their problem .
