After all CC alarmists have been predicting immanent disaster for decades now - and whats happened ? (You heard it first from Emperors Academy Dec 6th 2018)
- Have sea levels risen? No but they keep drumming up Kurabati --shelf subsidence
- Have we run out of water Tim? Do we need urgently to build more desal plants?
- Have the incentives worked ?Should govt continue to waste huge amounts of our money on subsidizing middle class welfare in form of now dated solar technology. lights and insulation?
- Has wind power evolved so that we don't have to replace the gearboxes in those flights of fancy of centuries old technology. Maybe its money spent on about to be superceded methods?
- Have they got more scientists to talk ? Credible spokespersons are getting rarer. Scientists who study these theories from different disciplines of science have always been rare One wrote Tomms against the simple equationists decades ago Ian Plimer :Heaven and Earth.
- Why doesn't IPACC keep us in tune .It has a huge budget as do the sycophants in all Western democ racies Diurnal radiation transfers ,Glaciologists, geologists and Physicists with questions.
- Have we made the option of change viable ? No the alarmists don't even seem to know what the alternatives are. Why don't we let the market decide on the new technology?. Why waste out taxes on todays version? Why not tax energy sources "we" don't like ? cars heating with gas etc etc Is the single focus on coal credible ? Don't make us laugh!
- Does anyone know what Greenlabor would do if it got the tax? You answer !!
I do know that in Victoria they have been allowing some companies to gas out carbon sequested at taxpayers expense--for years. Do these governments really know what they want to do - let alone know what they want us to do ( ie shoud we all have white roofs?) - Are we any further than good intentions ? The greatest evil was done in the name of the best intention- at least according to our forefathers. Mr Daniel Andrews is smarter than to fall for that ; he is more progressive than anyone, or he thinks he is .
- Why not just raise taxes so wannabes can fund reaserch into CC problem identification and solutions.Their way for them and their way for us ,,,its all costs us heaps and them nothing .
- Attenborough is wrong . "The people aren't calling for it " , The people calling for it are wanting the people to pay for it ; and Richard told them people last week they, in particular were not logical - now he is joining their club and talking without focusing on sense .Is he really to be trusted? Is he so popular he can't possibly disagree with whats popular ?
- The children should be taught that if you are going to protest and suggest action, you need to suggest an alternative action and your protest could cost you personally .
Otherwise you , kiddo may be remembered in history as irresponsible crap merchants best
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