Wednesday, June 12, 2024

You can't trust anybody

, .....especially all those fanatics still clambering for attention.
Both old and new media ALL report on rumor 

Real news doesn't always matter .
Especially in 2024 when every source is clambering to gain and keep an audience. 

When  someone  spreads a rumor about someone in the congregation  who is not listening to "immanent danger of hell warnings" it simply doesn't matter that its old news , it news because it is a moral failure ( or appears to be for those in church at the time ) . How convenient for those who ignore the 8th commandment  that people sin daily- so  technically " another sin another day is news".

Todays news from SPENDER was that "renewables are the cheapest form of energy " Its a headline that cannot be justified , but it makes headine news in THE GUARDIAN . 

As Douglas Murray , a reporter on the media says so well ,  old and new media ALL report on rumor SO it becomes news . Good journos will say the economics of renewables is NOT NEWS ( its digestable knowledge ) but it doesn't matter.  Competency and truth go out the door if you allow the devil ( and all his false witnesses ) in. 

when there are so many HIGH MORAL SIGNAL voices clambering for attention, and noone is listening to the 8th Commandment which kept the problem in check for a few centuries.
The noise will get louder NOW because half the country ( it seems just at the moment) see doing something about CC as a moral imperative.  All moral impertaives are now seen to be ' good "-- the only good? 
The fact that renewables are NOT doing it, now or ever ,  is far less important to the high priests club  than getting its pew sitters  to keep heeding the sermon and revoting in the priests in again for next week

Saturday, July 1, 2023

More quickfix madness from those who are desperately failing to use our money well .

  Rob Sitch is at pains  IN UTOPIA  ABC  to remind the twits in charge of our Building Australia that they are so cringeworthy they think consultants will provide answers to  complex planning issues.

The public service used to exist to provide capable dependable reliable advice ( that is judging the consultants not the other way around ) for all the people . Now its a free for all ; nimbys , foxes in charge of chicken coupes and  long  waits to delight those who now get a free feed form the public purse  because they know  more abou  the passing  prey  than our innocent of evil polys . 

See the mess and evil  that Wyatt and Western Australia are creating by trying to control producers using consultants- people whose qualifications to control must always be able to be questioned by the public justice system. , 

this time around its aboriginal heritage areas "  Well trained inhouse agents in regional area would not only be a lot cheaper but have the big advantage of being credible and decisive without all the reams of paperwork  . 

How did we become victims of the new wolves of minority interests ? 

" The threat to sound decision making from unstable coalitions involving ignorant and inexperienced lobbyists is now a worldwide concern in the West .
Prominent British intellectual AC Grayling describes very well in two recent books ( "Democracy in Crisis" and "The Good State ") how many Western Governments are making quick fix decisions that don't work. He makes the point by just describing : "The Brexit / Boris mistake" (driven sadly by a referendum that went wrong ) and the unstable Trump/ Democrats means of not making decisions that finally make sense to the people.
Most of my clients in the bush have given up on the ruling parties years ago . We need our young , less worn out people to represent them and sound science in practice as they have already done with showing the way in egg and Australian produce marketing choices .- broadening the economics/ ecological principles debate. Thankfully not all our young people take the simple Marxist line . See UTOPIA ABC this week .
Most farmers and producers of this country usually don't have the energy for email and the internet; they too are without a VOICE .@Representing South West Victoria

Thursday, May 12, 2022

Evil lurks within and without and giving dominion to one leader in our Country is not easy

 It has to be said that going Independant is a bit of a fad and there is every chance ( we should all be intelligent gamblers or cynics or both?) that most of the current crop are ,if not me generation" my way of the highway" types,

will  turn out to be ONE HIT WONDERS.Are they real team players or snake oil salemen ?

This foray may not be all good for Australia because desperation breeds and we need polys with staying power.

Independent candidates often appeal to people because they offer " the new " and seem progressive. not burdened by " the past" and the staid old stuff.  Fair enough-- that's me and most rural people everywhere .

While I will still make the difficult decision to support conservatives and team players, a good friend Augusto Zimmermann has just released a book on Scomo pointing out that he and many others in Parliament are living on the unsustainable whiff of appearing strong ( when we are surrounded by weakness woosy and soft -- the puppets in charge of parties for eg)
Think of ALL THE PREMIERS who wouldn't be in power if they weren't focused on pretending to be TOUGH ( say on lung infections ) - who now insist on mandating what makes no sense.

My point 
-- don't end up with puppets in charge because those who act strong and tough but aren't, will fall .The independent can be the tyrant who hasn't got the team spirit.   Aim for long term gain by rejecting the short term gain spinners everytime   

The country needs the objectivity of its most productive and competitive 

Thursday, March 10, 2022

Careless Noise makers can get people to get killed . Ditch them

The rain along the east coast is not unusual, but the runoff is. 
Because rain is part of climate , ignorant climate activists open their big mouths and misdirect resources concern and cynicism .


In investigating the huge damage to houses in the  Barwon river floodplain in November 1995  , I was surprised to learn that neither the Engineers Australia  guidelines for runoff estimates  or the Met Bureau records were of any use in really understanding the ongoing very high risk of bigger than expected floods from some mountain areas , especially when moist easterlies were operating  .
To put it simply,  the modelling is not dynamic enough to pick upon the many site specific factors  ( like  orography ,soil erosion and bedload  )  that cause these unusually large amounts of water and silt rising out of channels .

The failure of planning authorities to anticipate a very high level of risk  is evident in the sloppy way these floods are reported and NOT anticipated when moist easterlies are active . (ongoing exposure near the Brisbane river locals  as a result of constant rain near Toowoomba.

The best way to picture the risk is to remember the limited ability of most clouds to produce more than an inch or two of water and the cooling effect  required to get even that amount . What happens  in these rare but quite predictable occasions is that the rising hills  provide the orographic cooling effect  required to et a train  of clouds to give up their moisture on one locality for many hours on end.
2 inch per hour in one spot  becomes 20 inches in one spot and no soil can take it as we can see ( if we have eyes to see ) in the water .We can even see a bit about "whose soil where" by the color 


If we allow ignorant wannabes to continue to blame everything on climate change,  there will be deaths and destruction because of them because they redirect support away from the real consequences of real environmental risks  we should be facing . 

The failure of planning authorities to anticipate a very high level of risk  is evident in the sloppy way these floods are reported and NOT anticipated when moist easterlies are active . (ongoing exposure near the Brisbane river locals  as a result of constant rain near Toowoomba.)

The best way to picture the risk is to remember the limited ability of most clouds to produce more than an inch or two of water and the cooling effect  required to get even that amount . What happens  in these rare but quite predictable occasions is that the rising hills  provide the orographic cooling effect  required to et a train  of clouds to give up their moisture on one locality for many hours on end. 

If we allow ignorant wannabes to continue to blame everything on climate change,  there will be deaths and destruction because of them because they redirect support away from the real consequences of real environmental risks  we should be facing . 

Sunday, September 5, 2021

Panic merchants and witchdoctors

 The proper protective alliance between sound science and practice is increasingly under threat from ignorant and arrogant wannabe panic merchants (desperate media and polys )  who insist on being the  first to announce their new potions to fix our diseases ( or the  mere symptoms )  

For the record , I do not support this narrow and false ambition of great long lists and going for broke in everything. Zero targets deny ecological reality, take all the will out of doing anything and it’s simply not how the wonderful world we live in works. 

Sure, life is harsh and cruel in places, but it's more resilient than the panic merchants and their tribes of witchdoctors now insist. 

Remote worry warriors, who meet together on tops of hills, like they do in East Melbourne, to name the evil agents and again set our agendas for the week, is what is really wrong with this country.
Science, to actually  work for our good , must have its feet firmly on the ground. Otherwise we end up chasing snowballs in a blizzard, hot air scares and windmill poking.   

I say again, that we here in  Colac Otway Region need to take the lead as we have done before, and support only our very best scientists and practical people to achieve changes that can be modelled elsewhere. You can find a list of just how clever our part of the country can be by looking up my short list on the internet . 

Sunday, August 30, 2020

No mention of the fear doesn't mean the risk is gone away

The risk and the reason for it is badly stated  

If the fear has been around awhile,  you can be sure the people will put pressure on to stop EVERYBODY talking about it . When PC is the ruling philosophy,  nobody is safe. The truth will set us free,  but the price for those who sit too comfortably away from it , is . in their opinion.  too high 

No leader can stop this imperfect process of making ,gaining and then losing fear and trust . The leaders who play up to it should leave . ( take Vic and NSW  playing up to overlast seasons bushfires)   
It will be hastened in Andrews case by the child and then the public  realisation that his chasing of substance through his own stats collection  is misplaced concreteness.
Not even a good epidemiologist should trust the leader to know what it is doing ( when it presumes to on risk questions) A wise lieutenant  would insist in help to avoid a corrupting and cloned consensus that the dilittants in charge can often seek from the real experts and ones who know stuff .  .   

So what will precipitate the loss of panic .who knows?  It may not be all good 
 One good reason for reducing the panic will be  the realization .that much advice was not taken in the first place about the risk and how to deal  with it ( that includes PM Morrison) 
The inevitability of push back ( when the risk is badly stated - shortstated ) must come when those in charge don't know what they are doing and have explained nothing to date ( except driven home the same old fear tactics -- see the list of stats listed elsewhere )

People smell a rat when  leaders in crisis are NOT  prepared to admit they don't know what they are doing . 
Attention seeking is not just what children do ( the person in the story ) its what some leaders are actually good at .Such a leadership style may gain momentum , but has no sustainability . 

As the Spanish flu epidemic showed , once people stop  talking about a fear, Fear doesn't go awa, y it just becomes PC not to mention it  , 

 So,  just as the fear words were used to effect to START the panic , the absence of fear words will be used to end the fear.  Its all to do with using a meredescription.
PC name   , 

August 30th 2020   Quote 

Why does every one think case numbers mean something? 

Presumably when COVID is no longer news ,, it won't be the subject of worry,   

Does this preoccupation with simple stats stuff  mean it's gone away when numbers go down  ?  

Do polys think we are stupid--- that they explain nothing and keep using their own versions 

or the fear of death facts as their primary message ? 

Andrews doesn't tell us "deaths with" and "death by COVID: , test/case ratios ( until last week ) or ' immune response triggered " facts such as localities under heavy testing. It could be expected that the current agglutination testing is inadequate to show "exposure" because a lot of resistance is needed to build up antigens ?'
Unless more info on the above and the perceived herd immunity level is known, Morrison is mad to accept the attention seeking Premiers equally non compos mentis unproven significance of shallow catchprases like "hotspots " and " waves" .
Does anyone know what the new catch phrase "active " means ? (infectious , adapting , overcoming or what?) Forget chasing a vaccine dillitantants - At what point do they hope to identify the evil bug,,,,,, not its aftermarth , Spring street are trying to lock the door after the horse has bolted.
Why is the CMO not speculating on the level of herd immunity,,,, now present?
Maybe all the testing, tracing and "no talk" about the above means our leaders are no wiser from all their brilliant investigation techniques ?

Monday, May 25, 2020

No news is good news

One thing that works for the mental health of our household in this COVID crisis is to switch off TV completely over news time.

It will take the wannabe herds  and the polys some time to realize that many of us are doing this for our own mental health.

The wannabes are clamouring, as usual,  for our attention . What these fanatics  fail to realise is that they know little more than we do ( and therefore should just billboard the CMO)

BUT worse
- they push their speculation(/leading to more lies half truths , fake news ,laws and less guidelines ) all over us day after day. its what fanatics do

The nonsense in the news media goes to prove several things
1. Trump was right about at least one thing - The waste from Fake news in OUR lives
2. The people are predictably more compliant when  fear is the driver  and fear is not addressed with fact ( the extent of the infection agents in each country)
3.  Economy of information.and instruction is critical   I know  as a risk managemnet planner -- "you don't say too much and only what is necessary"   _

4, Comfort the people with things they should know- and act upon ( Switch the TV off )
a That the wannabes and media are desperate to prove their diminishing power over us  ( esp with the  net available )
b So many stupid and wayward things have been said in this period that its unbelievable .( Switch the TV off )
c As always in history ITS  those who claim to be doing things in the name of best intention that  are the most dangerous ,
d  Watch Wannabes closely -Especially those leaders who rush into solutions their minds have invented and whose real actionsthe integrated patient professional practice of checking what actions in a crisis are really neccesary  ( by the CMO) .
e Teaching people who don't normally listen well ( all of us ??)  to listen well can mean the t great leader ( just a man who know s something -- the child in the story?) occasionally  YELLING  and also calling for silence too -   

No one normally on the end of a microphone seems to get that,  at the moment.

I wonder if God has intervened in history?
  ( Romans 13 - my lecture topic )