Thursday, October 24, 2019

When do you ever learn something watching the ABC on environmental affairs ?

The ABC are not fear mongers you might say !
 On the surface i think you would be right,  because they go to a  lot of trouble to not look like they are.
Which means,  if it is true, thinking audiences need to dig deeper.
One of the reasons I don't learn much from watching the ABC is because they are so cynical.
Another reason I don't learn from them is that they don't employ  practical scientist who can answer tough questions. Kruzelnitsky and Sampson love making points of theory , for example hoping the audience will be impressed , Most of us expect probability statements on real risks .
Clearly many in the ABC audience do not see the problem I have --- until you put the question above and the failures below ( just examples ) or mention Political correctness

ABC journos do have reason to worry  ( on the  reporting of environmental risk in particular )
  1. The Science Show has been run for decades by a non scientist ,
  2. Some of the lack of controversy ( should be normal) is due to tokenistic, quickgrabs and ignorance the subject matter  ( the other side of the story- esp political )
  3.  Major political blunders on environment have occurred on their watch WITHOUT any  apology about the fact that they ignored warnings from competent experts, Who were they listening to ??? Politicians ????
    --1   State attempts to create water
    --2   An 18 billion MD plan that isn't working-
    --3  Rural people switching off ABC and watching SKY
    --4 Many bushfire imperatives from RC's have not been adopted

    3  They continue to expect us to believe polys and media people know things on the above eco and env subjects ..    They read "Scoop"  but never got it

  4. PIDDLING into the Barham . The redgums need a real big flood to set new trees growing in sustainable sites ( not salty ones !!)
  5. SEAL explosion  ( landline )   I mean even  today noone has twigged that the devastation that the seals have done in Lake Alexandrena is related to stupidly simple ideologues like  Burke and Wong putting precious water into a semi saline pond  in the gospel name of "environmental flow."    The MD plan is NO plan is it doesn't cover "predictable events "