Monday, June 10, 2019

The outrage of having a public broadcaster whose righteousness can't be questioned .

Philip Adams still has a huge audience, but  he still  says nothing in his weekly review in The Australian.
Yes  he might say something nice about someone or some cause he has mauled ( like the church ) but really he's a menace ; promoting his own causes.Pretending to do 'science'
What a waste of his time and those who read him . All those years and he could have a promoted a cause that worked . This week he talks about all the work he put into a cause that noone else thought was credible .
Paradoxically the 2 of them were chasing windmills .

How many others of this sort does our public broadcaster cultivate ?
There is no limit to the lack of maturity amongst those who choose to know about everything  but don't discipline themselves to know anything about anything .
These members of the Skimpole club console themselves with the fact that their knowledge is encyclopedic , Pity the depth of their understanding is microscopic ( unlike those who practice science,  and don't worship it as the technocolor yawn merchants do.
On the surface the splash in the daily bird bath  looks very interesting,,  So Australia staggers on , playing with technology, and talking about innovation without really investing in the hard work of it .  These people take up,  like Skimpole jobs where they are fed and watered for their fact filled excitement about what is new .The real engine of growth is too boring and long winded for them.

The ABC don't realize that while chasing their own causes they can and do miss the real causes of note  .Some old dinosaur sectors and specific scientists ( practical ones ) hardly get a mention . Even the sound ABC (Hutcheons and Ahns :"one 2 ones and fame "ones largely miss the quiet ones , not right at all . Jut chasing the wind
 The ABC club  don't believe in God ( even though He pays them ) so they become gods in their own right - and right in their own eyes ; rightousness
 Unaware as Orwell warned us that the real products of innovation will arrive at a destination not covered by the media .

The progressives are straining  to be too far in front to see where the momentum really is
Ever  learning but never coming to a working knowledge of what works --a nd not reporting it . As Skimpole says of himself ..   "I am only a child".
If a child, then give the job to someone who respects the process of mature learning .
Put some experienced scientists into our ABC

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Attention seeking children need a scold

The one who cries wolf does not really know risk . He only knows the name of the fear .
Fine if this behavior comes from children - its natural enough.
We all know the scary nature of that noise when it comes from a child . That's fine - we will teach em out of it
But some kids never grow up.

What if half the country is run by noisy children ?, Those like Skimpole who know so much that they command attention , but know so little they can't help manage the simplest of risks .
This group know so much they can hide,  as they  have learned to do ,  behind their  encyclopedic volume of facts.  Skipholes are nothng if not well educated and well spoken  everywhere advocating fact checking but nowhere to be seen on the ground with the implementation of their ideas . Like Skimpole they live inside the house . Worse they are parasites on the productive in the house

Watch out for them and the tendency to be a cynical smart arse yourself

Denial  is far distraction and projection are more common in our lives than we are prepared to accept . Our experience with young children should have warned us , The terrible thin is there are children out there who have never gron For example We  can all  hide our cynicism with a veneer of care,  as so many characters in Dickens do . Swimming in shit that is often well dressed  (T. Dalrymple )
Its easy to project denial on others when , for example  95% of the people say " you don't care about the amount of hot air we generate  "of  the 5% of Climate Change deniers.  Not so easy when  a child in our house reminds us we too are guilty.
Cheeky brat know alls at age 14 are one thing  ( quite normal ) , but NAbrats at 40 are worse than useless - unrepentant  they just live to erode and corrode
Presumably Skim pole was told many times to stop living on his cultivated cynicism. excusing his false fears and incompetency and lazy life and thinking when it suited him .
The Skimpole club has grown -many do you know who hide their lazy and noisy parasitism in a cloud of cynical conversational-ism; such   people have no trouble finding "friends ".
The fact is that not only was he a noise making nuisance his parasitism and compliance in nuisance made him even more unproductive  than he would have been if he didn't cultivate friends or at least other cynics who could hide with him . Easy to buy some more food for talk from the frenzy that reigns when its all talk - who knows or cares whether it really goes anywhere - so often point scoring for pedants 
We all ought to examine ourselves to see whether such a wasted life ( and silly knowing smile of safe cynicism)   is something we will be remembered for .

Those children who never grow up need a scold from more than one Esther if they not to break the bank in their own home . let alone the one we share .

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Democracies at Risk - Australia

One state of 6 Australian States
-  Victoria 

Of  37 federal seats  only 5 are rural and are very large  with 6 regional areas making a total of 11 people representing the majority of Victoria ;  26 people representing the cities in the centre of this picture.

Background - the victory of the pedants over the principled
. Labors insistence on the myopic dominance of one vote one value has meant for those living in the wide brown land that they are under the tyranny of being told what the regions problems/challenges/opportunities  are by those in the cities who simply do not know them .

Yes we have had a miracle here in Australasia in May 2019( and there are bit challenges elsewhere ) but here is ours alive well and still to threat our home and ability to reason well together down under 

A growing threat 
I was drawn into politics simply because even though I had one of the best jobs in the world working with some of the most productive people in the world, the city started telling us how to look after the earth. That would have been fine if the city knew something we didn't ( and
I didn't have a post grad from our great education system ) but nothing in 3 decades of dealing with the most arrogant and ignorant alliance of ideologues I know means  means Greenlabor should back off and show some respect .
Publishing for decades at  we have fully expected the show to be over  years ago .

The battle is certainly lost as the Vic state level for decades with Labor now settled into a comfortable  sense that they know something about something that requires our best skills and competencies. The comfortable team of reactionaries does not realize that if not done well  attempted governance in ignorance risks  the lives and minds and careers of those who are competent to deal with complex environmental and production  challenges.

Will finish this tomorrow.
see the injustice here in maps  70 % of the seats are in cities except  in Qld where  the regions still have greater than  60% of the population in them.  Of the 30 to 40 seats in each of the eastern states only a few are rural and regional  .